FAQ for The Reverse Project

Whether you own a Volvo or not, you can still be an eco-warrior & join the Reverse Project by registering your EV as a volunteer. Volvo will plant trees as you drive and provide you certificates, with the tree's geo-tagged location.

If you do not own an EV, you can participate in the Reverse Project by taking a pledge to help the environment and spreading awareness about the importance of tree planting. To mark your commitment, we will name 3 trees after you that are planted under this initiative.

The objective of the Reverse Project by Volvo Car India as the name suggests is to reverse the damage caused to the environment. The Reverse Project by Volvo Car India, in collaboration with ASSOCHAM, is dedicated to converting a Ghaziabad urban dump yard into an Urban Forest, fostering community participation to take the first steps in achieving this goal.

As part of the Reverse Project, Volvo Car India has already planted 10,000 trees at the urban dump yard in Ghaziabad and with every kilometre you drive, we will continue to plant more.

The Reverse Project's plantation site is Nagar Van, Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad. Previously it was an urban dump yard.

- As a Volvo EV owner, 4 trees will be named after you for every 5000 km driven.
- As an EV owner, 4 trees will be named after you for every 5000 km driven.
- As a non-EV owner, 3 trees will be named after you, that are already planted under this initiative.