About Kachnar

Scientific Name: Bauhinia variegata

Other Names: Orchid tree, Kanchan tree, Mountain ebony, Kaanchana, Bauhinia, Swet-kanchan, Camel’s foot, Kachnal, Gurial and Koiralo

Ecological & Commercial Importance

  • • Source of fodder in rural economies.
  • • Its wood is used for agricultural implements and the bark for tanning.
  • • It is used to manufacture wood wool boards, gums and fibres.

Medicinal Properties

  • • Used in making poultices for treating swelling, bruises, boils, and ulcers.
  • • Kachnar bark is used in disorders like Lymphadenopathy, Goitre and Tumor.
  • • Various parts of the plant are also used in decoctions to treat fever and stomach ailments.
  • • The root is used as an antidote for snake poison.