About Gullar

Scientific Name: Ficus racemosa

Other Names: Cluster Fig, Red River Fig

Ecological & Commercial Importance

  • * It is cultivated for its fruit and also as a shade tree in plantations and an ornamental tree in parks, large gardens etc.
  • * The fruits are eaten as a vegetable. Young shoots are eaten raw or cooked.
  • * The roots can be cut to provide a liquid that can be drunk as water
  • * It serves as a food plant for the caterpillars of the two-brand crow butterfly (Euploea sylvester)
  • * The tree is cultivated to provide shade for coffee trees.
  • * The latex is used in the production of water-resistant paper and as a plasticizer for Hevea rubber.
  • * The wood is used for low-quality purposes and items such as minor construction, cheap furniture, packing cases, mouldings, laundry tubs, fruit crates, fuel, etc.

Medicinal Properties

  • * The bark is rubbed on a stone with water to make a paste, which can be applied to boils or mosquito bites.
  • * In Ayurveda, it has been used extensively in the treatment of biliary disorders, jaundice, dysentery, diabetes, diarrhea and inflammatory conditions.
  • * The root is chewed as a treatment for tonsilitis.
  • * The sap is a popular remedy in Bombay, that is applied locally to mumps and other inflammatory glandular enlargements, and is also used in the treatment of Gonorrhea.
  • * The bark & fruit are used in the treatment of Hematuria, menorrhagia, and Hemoptysis.